Peter Bauhuis

Peter Bauhuis, Mònica Gaspar, Pravu Mazumdar, 2012

Publisher: Arnoldsche

ISBN: 978-3-89790-361-6

Dimensions: 17 x 25 cm

Pages: 160

Peter Bauhuis is fascinated by the possibilities presented by cast metals. His jewellery and vessels are characterised by engaging with the process of casting and melting metals. By playfully oxidising gold, silver and copper, he achieves unexpected colours from matt white and pale greeny-yellow to deep orange and dark red. The wax rendering process also opens up a wide range of possibilities. He keeps reinventing forms that are seemingly very simple. Apparent casting mistakes, such as fine lines or cracks and visible traces left by the casting process, are not removed but are integrated into the form of the objects. The result is a lightness which is remarkable for metal and its materiality.


The text contributions revolve around the work of Peter Bauhuis in alphabetical order. The publication is not laid out as a reference book, but rather as a playfully subjective handbook and labyrinth. Sometimes the authors themselves are revealed through their work: the cultural scientist, the philosopher, the artist. This book documents the exchange of experiences and interests between the contributors as regards aspects of vision, discovery, creation and recognition. The interaction creates new connections and a patchwork of associations and commentaries. The result is not only a monography of the artist Peter Bauhuis, but also a work that makes creative processes visible.


A book that celebrates curiosity and attracts interest towards the work of Peter Bauhuis. This publication presents the whole spectrum of his creative works for the first time. The juxtaposition of earlier and current works, vessels and pieces of jewellery provides an interesting illustration of the complexity of the creative process and the variation of basic forms. In 2011 Peter Bauhuis won the Bavarian State Award for his vessels.


With contributions by Karl Bollmann | Helen Britton | Liesbeth den Besten | Michael Erlhoff | Karl Fritsch | Andi Gut | Heinz Schütz et al.