
Gallery S O is very pleased to announce a group exhibition about CHAIN. 


A series of interlinking loops joined together, the chain belies the simplicity of its construction through complex associations. This group exhibition of gallery artists and invited international artists looks into narratives surrounding the chain, its symbolism and construction.


Volker Atrops (DE), Alexandra Bahlmann (DE), Peter Bauhuis (DE), David Bielander (CH), Jonny Boyd (UK), Esther Brinkmann (CH), Caroline Broadhead (UK), Maisie Broadhead (UK), Lin Cheung (UK), Carrie Dickens (IE), Warwick Freeman (NZ), Lucie Gledhill (UK), Andi Gut (CH), Gesine Hackenberg (NL), Sophie Hanagarth (CH), Therese Hilbert (CH), Peter Hoogeboom (NL), Melanie Isverding (DE), Karin Johansson (SE), Kimiaki Kageyama (JP), Otto Künzli (CH), Felix Linder (DE), Mikiko Minewaki (JP), Marc Monzo (ES), Sonia Morel (CH), Ted Noten (NL), Noon Passama (NL), David Roux-Fouillet (FR), Bernhard Schobinger (CH), Barbara Schrobenhauser (DE), Hans Stofer (UK), Mirei Takeuchi (JP), Manon van Kouswjik (NL), Lisa Walker (NZ)






Sat 7 May, 10 am

with Prof. Andi Gut

Hochschule Pforzheim (DE)


Professor Andi Gut from Pforzheim (Germany) will give a talk on chains and linking generations through the PF Revisited project. Pf Revisited is a collaboration between the Pforzheim University, the Museum of Technology in Berlin and respected jewellery craftsmen. In 2015 this project, called 'Manufactory production and design of jewellery', was entered into the register of best safeguarding practices of intangible cultural heritage by the German UNESCO commission.



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